Saturday, October 15, 2011

sty in eye

A large-scale enclosure for raising pigs is generally called a hog lot. Unlike a sty which would be found on a mixed farm, a hog lot is usually a dedicated facility.

The family hog pen was a small-scale system of pig farming which is vastly different from the modern American hog farm. Modern intensive hog farms in the United States have an average of about 2,000 hogs, and large farms raise tens of thousands of hogs. Hog pens were found on family farms of the early 1900's, although backyard pig farming may still occur. In this article the words "hogs" and "pigs" are used interchangeably.

Many family farm hog pens were improvised enclosures made of any material that is handy and free. The size of the pen is often kept small to conserve building material and effort.

Sty and Chalazion Eye

Eye Stye/Eye Sty

Sty In The Eye

eyes become infected. Sty


White Pimple on the Eye Lid

Hordeolum (Sty): Infection


Picture of Sty (Stye)

Eye Stye Treatment

Eye zit! - 78687 views

Image of a sty in the lower

known pink eye) and sty.

A sty can resemble

What exactly is a sty, anyway?

A sty occurs when a gland at

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